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Technical Workshop on Alfred Adler Approach Based Psychotherapy
The “Technical Workshop on Alfred Adler Approach Based Psychotherapy” , the showing of film
and analysis of John Carlson’s psychotherapy sessions and counselling was held in June 2014
with the participation of 15 experts and psychologists for five hours. While describing the therapy
process from Adler’s view, in this workshop, techniques from this approach such as evaluation of
life style, evaluation of fundamental concepts such as feeling of humiliation superiority, motivation,
encouragement and cognitive fundamental mistakes were also reviewed.
Afterwards clips of a number of John Carlson’s psychotherapy and counselling sessions, and
students of the school of Adler were shown and analysed by the exeperts.
Education Workshop on Practical Guidelines for Acquiring Consultative
Status from ECOSOC
With the aim of increasing
international reputation
and negotiations position
of NGOs at international
levels and in line with
the UN and ECOSOC
increased participation,
of NGOs in international
2014 the ODVV held the
Education Workshop on Practical Guidelines for Acquiring Consultative Status from ECOSOC for
one month.
The participating NGOs of this workshop, scientifically and practically were introduced to the
ECOSOCNGOs Committee and its duties, NGOs LiaisonOffice, NGOs Communications Services,
the concept and how consultative status is acquired. Also all the stages of registration, creation
of a profile, filling application forms and preparation of documents required for submission, and
throughout holding the course they undertook all the tasks online. Due to the insistence of ODVV
on the effectiveness of the course and the necessity to limit the number of participants in order to
achieve the targeted objectives, only 10 NGOs were accepted in this course.