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"women's rights during education" and "women's rights following education" and recommendations
that were given in this regard, and also that it is necessary for a recommendation to be given that
sends this message. Representatives of UN agencies, NGOs and GOs were other speakers of the
session and the ODVV submitted its statement in this sitting.
Participation in the 27th Session of the Human Rights Council
The 27th Session of the Human Rights Council was held on 8-26 September 2014 in Geneva,
Switzerland, under the ten items that the sessions are always held in, with new sub-subjects; subjects
such as the human rights situation in Syria, Ukraine, Palestine and Iraq alongside many other human
rights issues from around the world such as minorities rights and people of African origins.
As in the past, with its extensive and effective efforts, the ODVV used all its abilities to achieve its
objectives in the international arena. A summary of the activities are as follows:
- Holding sideline panels
For the first time by
holding a sideline
panel on "Crimes
against Humanity in
the Middle East" the
ODVV reviewed the
crimes of ISIS and
Israel side by side
under the heading
of crimes against
humanity. At the start
of the panel a documentary was played called, "What the Western Media Won't Tell You", which
had been produced by the ODVV. The documentary centred on the suffering and resistance of the
people of Gaza, and some Israeli action cases which are tantamount to war crimes and crimes
against humanity. In this sitting, Ms. Rania Madi, legal consultant of Badil Organization, Palestinian
rights activist, talked about the recent Gaza conflict and the continuation of Israel's crimes in
occupied Palestinian territories. The director ofthe international Fight against Terrorism Organization
who had recently been in Iraq, gave alarming figures of the crimes committed by ISIS in Iraq and
the conditions in the country. At the end ODVV's permanent representative in Geneva who is an
expert in international law, legally proved these crimes and reviewed the legal reasons that make it
necessary for these crimes to be referred to the ICC.
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