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people and denial of aid and assistance, as examples of war crimes and crimes against humanity
was stressed.
Experience has shown that since the founding of Israel, political solutions such as talks, setting up
fact finding committees and etc. have not been able to prevent Israel from continuing to commit its
crimes. Also the issuing of numerous resolutions by various international bodies in condemnation of
Israel have never been able to play a preventive role, and reduce the pressures felt by the people of
Palestine."Israel's justification for these actions has been it is carrying out these attacks in response
to the launching of rockets against Israel by Hamas, and is just responding to attacks." He continued,
"This reasoning is not acceptable by International Law, because in article 2 of humanitarian principles,
distinction and proportion are very important/ The main principle of distinction is that in any given
situation there should be a distinction between civilians and civilian targets with military individuals
and targets, and it is not right that eve if there is a possibility that a rocket is launched fro near a
hospital, that hospital can be
targeted. It is not acceptable.
The proportion principle is also
based on the point that the
attack must be in proportion
to the attack. Nevertheless
the thing that Israeli officials
annonce, from the realities on
the ground indicate violation of
international law. According to
Israeli officials 67 Israelis 3 of
which are civilians were killed
in the conflict, and the killing of
these three civilians gives no justification for the firepower level unleashed against civilians, women
and children especially, in Gaza."
This researcher went on to say: "also attacking civilians in reprisal attacks is prohibited and reputable
organizations such as Human Rights Watch have accused Israel of war crimes. Intentional killings,
intentional guidance, attacks against civilians, targeting civilian buildings, aid workers etc are all
examples of war crimes and continued and intentional harming of individuals and their denial of
access to aid and assistance which are crimes against humanity. In view of these examples, this war
is a war cime and crimes against humanity "
The next speaker was Mr, Khaled Qodumi, the Hamas representative in Tehran. Referring to
the membership of the PA in the Rome Statute, he said: “Unfortunately in 2008 and 2009 the PA