Page 5 - My Project1

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2014 ended, but the world continues with a wish for peace and nonviolence. In this year
not only the did the observation of human rights not increase, but the people of the modern
world witnessed the most heinous of crimes being committed.
The ignorance and extremism trend on one side and with the backing of domineering
political power moves, committed crimes in front of the eyes of the world that makes the
criminals of history look tame.
It seems that the concerned for Mankind and human rights defenders must be sensitive
towards two event that occurred following these incidents, and put some effort into
confronting them.
1 – The normalization of crime, (due to repetition, and the display of various mass
2 – The normalization of defamation of religion and insult to people’s beliefs (events)
Both of these will be serious threats to the future of Mankind.
In an identification process, the ODVV has from several years ago showed reaction
towards the dangers of extremism and Islamophobia, and the history of its activities
and products and statements is indicative of this timely sensitivity. The terrorist crimes
committed by ISIS, or IS or Daesh that are committed daily with the backing of some near
and distant countries, is due to lack of timely attention towards confronting extremism and
Islamophobic violence.
In the year that has passed not only extremist committed heinous crimes in the name of
Islam in some African countries as well as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, crimes
such as beheadings, immolation, kidnappings, slavery and etc., but Israel continued to
commit crimes in the Occupied Territories, particularly the Gaza Strip and left countless
number of women and children victims.
In the year that passed, while showing its effective and continued presence in the Human
Rights Council sessions, the ODVV worked hard to empower NGOS and train them
towards their effective presence in the UN mechanisms, particularly the UPR process.
Also the launchingofODVV’s representativeoffice inGenevawas the restart of cooperations
and new activities in international gatherings, and shall continue so in the future too.
Let us hope for the future years to be witness to a world without violence, defamation,
poverty and corruption, and filled with friendship, kindness and peace.