Donald Trump is a Threat to World Peace

Blog ID : #2039
Publish Date : 10/14/2017 15:52
View Count : 1348
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Donald Trump is a Threat to World Peace
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One cannot understand the state of the world and the threats to the future of humanity without a sharp eye on the US. With the largest economy and half of all the world’s military hardware, the US is the only superpower right now - and thus either a crucial part of the solution or the problem for the rest of the world.

According to a statement by the World Peace Foundation given the actions of the current President of the United States, we are obliged to take a step without precedent, which is to name U.S. President Donald Trump as a major threat to global peace.

Today the concern stems from the President Trump’s orders on Iran nuclear deal. Experts say if the US imposes new restrictions on Tehran, Washington will find itself isolated. The content, tone and style of Donald Trump’s speech about Iran on Friday was a reminder of how much the current president of the United States relishes conflict.

In his speech, Trump completely ignored the non-proliferation gains represented by the JCPOA, and made the false claim that Iran had been on the point of “total collapse” when the agreement was signed. His claims that “the Iranian regime has committed multiple violations of the agreement” were also misleading at best. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has repeatedly confirmed Iran's compliance with the deal.
Trump’s remark that Iran had “failed to meet our expectations in its operation of advanced centrifuges” appeared to refer to an ambiguity in the deal that has since been resolved and was not declared to be a violation. Trump’s litany of Iran’s past alleged crimes was also highly contentious, including an effort to link Shia Iran with the Sunni militants of al-Qaida.

Trump's move does not immediately pull the US out of the deal but pushes action to the Republican-controlled US Congress. Legislators now have a non-binding 60-day period to debate the accord and decide whether to re-impose sanctions, which would put the deal at risk. He added that if "we are not able to reach a solution ... then the agreement will be terminated".

US allies, such as the UK and France, had also urged Washington to not jeopardize the deal, with analysts warning Trump's actions could affect his country's standing abroad. It also would undermine US credibility and discourage other countries from trusting in agreements negotiated with US. Europe and the rest of the world would perceive the US as an international troublemaker and unreliable partner.

Trump's actions put international relations at risk and could spell the end of a deal painstakingly negotiated for more than 10 years. Given the enormous power invested in the Office of the President of the United States, these arbitrary exercise of authority presents itself as a significant threat to international peace and security and increases the likelihood that disputes will escalate to armed confrontations.

The United States has in its history many times failed to prioritize peacemaking, but never before has a new President so carelessly undermined the Government’s very potential to be a force for peace, nor so recklessly dismissed the value of the endeavor.

We call on all people around the world and in the United States to challenge decisions and instructions that are contrary to the U.S. Constitution or fundamental principles of human rights and international law which can cause global instability.



By: Negar Paidar



“ Donald Trump is a Threat to World Peace ”