2019 New Year messages, peace or what?

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Publish Date : 01/02/2019 15:00
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2019 New Year messages, peace or what?
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As UNESCO Says Its Only Wish for 2019 is World Peace, US and Israel Officially Ditch UN Body.

In a message published on its Twitter and Facebook account, the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) sent its peaceful wishes for 2019 to its human rights colleagues.
"we hope that we will be able to successfully work together toward the promotion of human rights values, especially in the Middle East, in the year ahead, even though taking small steps.
The Organization for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) would like to take this opportunity to extend the message of peace and friendship to all Excellencies, friends and colleagues, wishing everyone a prosperous 2019. With best wishes to you and your loved ones for a merry Christmas and a joyful and bright New Year."

It is noteworthy to take a look at some other messages for the new year.

In a statement issued on 28 December, wishing a peaceful and prosperous New Year, the UN secretary general, Antonio Guterres said “Last New Year, I issued a red alert, and the dangers I mentioned still persist. These are anxious times for many, and our world is undergoing a stress test. Climate change is running faster than we are. Geopolitical divisions are deepening, making conflicts more difficult to resolve. And record numbers of people are moving in search of safety and protection.”
Record numbers of people are moving in search of safety and protection, inequality is growing and “people are questioning a world in which a handful of people hold the same wealth as half of humanity,” he said.
“But there are also reasons for hope. The talks on Yemen have created a chance for peace. The agreement signed in Riyadh in September between Ethiopia and Eritrea has eased long-running tensions and brought improved prospects to an entire region. And the agreement between the parties to the conflict in South Sudan has revitalized chances for peace, bringing more progress in the past four months than in the previous four years.”

“The United Nations was able to bring countries together in Katowice to approve the Work Programme for the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change. Now we need to increase ambition to beat this existential threat. It’s time to seize our last best chance. It’s time to stop uncontrolled and spiraling climate change.”
“In recent weeks, the United Nations also oversaw landmark global agreements on migration and refugees that will help to save lives and overcome damaging myths. And everywhere, people are mobilizing behind the Sustainable Development Goals — our global blueprint for peace, justice and prosperity on a healthy planet. When international cooperation works, the world wins.”
He maintained that in 2019, the UN “will continue to bring people together to build bridges and create space for solutions”, keeping up the pressure for change. “As we begin this New Year, let’s resolve to confront threats, defend human dignity and build a better future – together,” concluded the Secretary-General, wishing the world a peaceful, prosperous and healthy 2019.

Although the UN and other world leaders have been hoping for a year full of hope and peace, it seems there are some messages of war and hatred, too.
UNESCO, which is created specifically to "foster peace," says its only wish for 2019 is world peace. However, the U.S. and Israel by the joint decision has officially left the body at midnight on New Year's Day. Critics say "their withdrawal speaks volumes about their intent to foster only war."
The decision was announced in 2017, with Israel and the U.S. claiming UNESCO—the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization—has exhibited "anti-Israel bias"

UNESCO was founded after World War II with the intention of fostering peace by "promoting cultural heritage and equal dignity between all cultures" and "strengthening bonds between nations." It's established more than 1,000 World Heritage sites in 167 countries as well as promoting education in developing countries.
In keeping with its mission, UNESCO has criticized Israel's occupation of East Jerusalem and in 2011 granted Palestine full membership in the organization—a move Israel and the U.S. viewed as an attack and a reason to strangle UNESCO by refusing to pay their dues for several years.
Contrasting with the message sent by the two countries, UNESCO shared its own New Year's Day wish with the world, calling for peace.

Donald Trump used his medium of choice, Twitter to deliver his message: "While I'm at the White House working, you're out there partying tonight - but I don't blame you. Enjoy yourselves, we're going to have a great year. Have a really, really happy new year."
Unlike other leaders that used their messages to outline their country's vision, Mr Trump spent day one of 2019 busy tweeting his thoughts and policy agenda on the Mexican wall, Elizabeth Warren declaring her 2020 presidential run and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). He also defended his recent decision to withdraw US troops from Syria.

While Trump delivered a short and very 'Trumpesque' message, Iranian president, Hasan Rouhani, said "I hope the new year will be a year full of peace and tranquility for all humans." He also expressed hope that the world would witness increasing welfare and prosperity through joint efforts, wishing world leaders and nations success and health in the new year.




“ 2019 New Year messages, peace or what? ”