The Statement of 11 NGO's in consultative Status to ECOSOC on the Human Rights...

News ID : #267
Publish Date : 04/06/2015 12:45
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The Statement of 11 NGO's in consultative...
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The 28th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council is taking place on 2-27 March 2015, at Room XX, Geneva, Palais des Nations. In a reaction to Ahmed Shaheed’s report on the situation of human rights in Iran and some of the governments and NGO’s positions regarding the matter, 11 Iranian NGOs in Consultative Status with ECOSOC announced the following statement:

We Iranian NGOs issuing this statement have each 2 to 3 decades of experience in human rights activities in Iran. Our activities cover a vast field, ranging from: extensive charity work to assisting those suffering from potential damages inflicted by society, promoting appropriate educational standards for all children to promoting family health. The list goes on to cover the provision of support and treatment to the victims of domestic and social violence, endeavors to raise awareness and take practical action for the protection of the environment, efforts for the emancipation and development of women and providing out utmost assistance for those suffering from HIV/AIDS, Cancer and MS. All these fields encompass a diverse range of fundamental human rights issues. The furtherance of human rights issues of Iranian citizens and efforts to improve them is our daily duty, a duty that occupies the very beginning of our day lasting till the end of night and so we are continuously thinking of appropriate ways to take concrete action to promote these rights. Therefore we feel that we have both the right and duty to be sensitive towards the human rights monitoring mechanism of the Human Rights Council on Iran.
On this basis we announce the following points on notion and practical basis regarding the improvement of the promotion of human rights, both in Iran and around the world:
Firstly, without a doubt there is not a single country that does not have cases of human rights violations; and Iran is no exception to this. We request of the human rights council to take into consideration other indicators and priorities without the politicisation of the universality, non-selectivity and fairness of the implementation and review of the human rights mechanisms. We as the representatives of the civil society in Iran are in favour of the improvement of the political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights of the Iranian citizens. Nonetheless experience has shown that the practical and lasting method of the improvement of human rights is hindered through the application of pressure that in actual fact primarily affects the rights of citizens.
Secondly, the concept of Human rights concerns a web of complex and grass root issues and thus necessary measures for the improvement of these rights must embrace the correct accuracy and effective technicality. For the furtherance of compliance with human rights resolutions there is a need for international co-operation, both in theory and in practice. The reduction of drugs related executions, or setting boundaries on freedom of expression and belief with the preservation of moral and religious teachings requires further understanding of the complexities of Iranian domestic affairs with the assistance of international collaboration. There is major space for improvement with regards to the universal human rights issues which requires measures that are not exclusive to Iran, requiring effective research, dialogue, engaging civil society, capacity building and the avoidance of coercive measures. Due to our active engagement with different stakeholders in Iran we believe that we have an adept understanding of the macro environment. We believe the genuine promotion of human rights in Iran, considering the present limitations and cultural barriers, requires diligence for the development of consensus building amongst the different actors within the Iranian sphere. Unfortunately the current measures taken by the Human Rights Council on Iran, have proven to be counter-productive. Yet we deem the UPR process as a logical and potent mechanism for the improvement of human rights in societies.
Thirdly; we, Iranian NGOs in consultative status present in the 28th Session of the Council, reiterate once again our unbreakable commitment towards the review and investigation of the human rights situation in Iran. We call on the Council and its members to have a logical, balanced, and fair approach. Unilateral economic sanctions inflict drastic damages to the Iranian citizens and propose challenges to the progression of human rights in Iran. We propagate the importance of instilling and developing the elements of Human Rights on an ongoing basis.

Organization for Defending Victims of Violence
Family Planning Association of Iran
Society of Iranian Women Advocating Sustainable Development of Environment
Islamic Women's Institute of Iran
Charitable Institute for Protecting of Social Victims
Prevention Association of Social Harms
Maryam Ghasemi Educational Charity Institute
Institute for Women's Studies and Research
Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism
Iranian Elite Research Center
Child Foundation

“ The Statement of 11 NGO's in consultative Status to ECOSOC on the Human Rights Situation in I. R. Iran ”