ODVV Statements at 49th Session of the human Rights Council

: #3566
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ODVV Statements at 49th Session of the human Rights Council

                                                                                                               Organization for Defending Victims of Violence
                                                                                                                        Human Rights Council 49th session


Item 2: General Debate

Settlement Construction, Grave Violation of International Law


Item 3: General Debate

Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCM)s and Extensive Breach of Human Rights


Item 9: General Debate

Shia Phobia in Pakistan


Item 3: ID with SR on Food

Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCM)s and the Right to Food


Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Iran

ODVV Encourages Your Excellency to Constructive Dialogue


“ ODVV Statements at 49th Session of the human Rights Council ”