
Chemical Weapons during Iran-Iraq war in Sardasht, Iran
War is an ominous human-made event that causes both opponents great losses which cannot be calculated

ODVV’s Statement on the Occasion of Universal Human Rights Day
10th of December has been named as the Universal Human Rights Day, so that the anniversary of the issuing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (10 December, 1948) is commemorated each year....

ODVV Statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, has been chosen with the aim of reminding universal determination to fight violence against women.

ODVV Statement on the Recent Paris Terror Attacks
The Friday night terror attacks carried out in Paris resulted in the death and injury of over 300 people, and once again showed the urgency for the multilateral fight against extremism and...

Any use of chemical weapons is unacceptable and a clear violation of international law. Identifying those responsible and holding them to account is of paramount importance. We have a...

ODVV Supports IANSA Gun Free Initiation
Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate the love in our lives. This February 14th, the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) which is a global movement against gun violence that links...

Condemnation of Terror Attack against the Seyed-ol-Shohada School in Kabul
Sadly we heard the news that on 8 May that in a terror attack against Seyed-ol-Shohada girls school in the western district of Kabul more than 85 people were killed and 147 left injured. Most of...