Page 23 - Annual-Report-2016

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Participation in the Elimination of Violence against
Women; Challenges and Solutions National Conference
The ODVV participated in the holding of the Elimination of Violence
against Women; Challenges and Solutions National Conference that
was held on 3 June 2016 in Shahid Beheshti University, hosted by the
National Union of Bar Associations of the Justice Department.
Concept understanding and pathology and examples and extent of
violence against women, violence from the criminal law and criminology
aspects, violence from human rights and international documents
aspects, violence from sociological and psychological aspects, violence
from cultural and economic attitudes, methods for confronting violence
against women, religious and legal concepts of elimination of violence against women and
comparative study of violence against women and distribution and severity of forms of violence
in the word were some of the subjects of debate and review by the experts and speakers of this
Rehabilitation Centre
With a wish to mend and end mankind's pains and sufferings, and
expansion of humanitarian campaigns, the ODVV Rehabilitation
Department provides advisory and educational services.
For the protection of victims of domestic and social violence, the
department presents counselling and therapy in legal, family, marriage,
psychological disorders at the Rehabilitation Centre .
With the cooperation of 40 mental health experts and lawyers the Centre
provides pre-marriage, education and legal counselling. The statistics of
the cases is determined on the basis of gender, age, occupation, marital
status, education levels and the reason for coming to the Centre. The
ODVV uses the results of the statistics to set appropriate programmes
and projects. In 2016, 3924 cases benefited from the Centre’s services.
2031 of them were women and 1893 were men. According to the statistics most of the cases were
married and the majority of them had family problems.
The Rehabilitation Centre also provides telephone hotline counselling services for psychological,
marital, family and education issues.
The monthly statistics for the hotline cases are worked out through variables such as, gender,
نانز هـیلع
ناحیروبا رلاات ـ یتشهب دیهش هاگشناد: ناكم
١3٩٥ هاـم ید ١4:نامز
یمیکحتجح : حرط
www.scoda. ir
اهراکهار و اهشلاچ
یاهنوناکیرسارس هیداحتا
دنکیم رازگرب ناریا یرتسگداد یلاکو
ناریا یرتسگداد یلاکو یاه نوناک
یروهمجتسایر هداوناخو نانزروما تنواعم
نارهت هاگشناد
یتشهب دیهشهاگشناد
سردمتیبرت هاگشناد
ییابطابطهملاع هاگشناد
یملاسا دازآ هاگشناد
تنوشخناینابرق زا عافد نامزاس
یناسنا مولعنادنمشیدنا هناخ
دازآ هاگشناد هتخیهرف نانز یاروش
روشکیتسیزهب نامزاس
نارهت رد للم نامزاس رتفد
روضح اب
نایوجشناد ،نانادقوقح، لاـکو
روشک هتسجرب دیـتاسا و
یشزومآ یاههاگراک اب هارمه
هداوناخ و نانز روما تنواعم