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damage or development of a person, and said:
“Since damage starts from the moment of birth
and threatens the individual throughout life, it
needs the attention of family therapists experts
in a scientific and technical way.”
Most parents need therapy themselves and
due to lack of awareness and having their own
damaging experiences, they are the creators
of various mental damages themselves.
Clarification of feelings and emotions that are
shaped in the family environment and in relation
with the parents in the self of the individual is
an important issue that is not analysed enough in
family therapy.
Since some parents are unhealthy and their
children fall victims to their lack of health and
this escalates the cycle of creation of violence,
the abuser and victim of abuse, therefore for the
starting of a healthy, balanced and developing
family, culture building and education must be
considered as two damage prevention factors. .At
the end the creation of a safe, healthy and happy
environment, having developing and suitable
relations and away from mental damages and a
violence free environment are the most importnt
priorities of the family.
On the occasion of the International Day of
Innocent Children Victims of Aggression, in June
2015 the ODVV held a technical sitting on the
prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of child
sexual abuse victims in the ODVVconference hall,
with the presence of experts and psychotherapists
active in the governmental and nongovernmental
sectors. In this sitting, while deeming necessary
education for the prevention of child abuse in
different age ranges the necessary methods to
educate parents, teachers and individuals that are
in contact with children, the child therapist Dr.
Parisa Jahanlou explained: “domestic violence
is one of the most important factors in children
falling victim to sexual abuse. Feeling of guilt,
worthlessness, nightmares, and isolation in
the family and society are the most important
psychological signs in victims of sexual abuse.”
Stressing on the priority in prevention of
sexual abuse of children, this therapist stressed:
“the education and training departments of the
country must more seriously and determination
work towards provision of necessary education of
lower age groups, and education of children for
the prevention of child abuse must begin from 3
to 5 years of age, in accordance with international
standards and recommendations. With regards
to child abuse, prevention and education is more
important than the treatment. Crisis intervention,
the removal of signs such as fear and anger,
giving trust, allowing to drain negative and
hurtful emotions based on draining of anxiety and
emotions are the most important measures that the
therapists must take.”
At the of the sitting, the participants spoke about
their experiences in treatment of victims of sexual
abuse, and how they treated the victims.
Technical Sitting on the Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Child
Sexual Abuse Victims