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to overcome. Even though there is no restrictions
in the law for a woman to register an international
freight company, nonetheless beliefs existed which
made this task difficult. I can say that this work
was in a completely male dominated environment,
which I intended to change. After two years of
persistent follow up and follow through with various
institutions finally in 1984 I managed to register my
freight company, and expand my activities.
How did you manage your family relations with
your work?
In my view, the family is the main pillar of society.
If someone does not believe in family principles then
they cannot have sustainable belief in the society’s
principle. Therefore when we start a task, at first
we must pay attention to the basis of living, which
is the family. On the other hand if someone wants
to enter the job market as an entrepreneur, they will
not be successful unless they have their family’s
support. Therefore these are two inalienable factors.
In all women’s professions and job experiences this
issue is pertinent. I do not see any clashes between
the function or performance of a woman outside the
home and accepting responsibility at home, of course
a woman who works outside the house expects
cooperation from her husband and children when
she gets home. But I believe that if we have time
management and time tabling we can easily conduct
our tasks in predetermined times.
What challenges have you faced in the way of your
work as a woman?
The most important one was that no one imagined
that a woman can ever do managerial work in the
field of freight and transportation. But I do not see
any obstacles or restrictions for being a women in
any healthy work. I believe when there is interest
then certainly there is the ability to do the job too.
Only the basis for nurture must be prepared. These
are the facts that I arrived at. The registration of a
freight company had a difficult process for women.
When I entered the industry no woman had stepped
into the field. I had many difficulties until I was
successful and registered my company. The first and
most important difficulty was there was no belief in
the presence of women in this profession. When I
asked where is the legal obstacle in this, there were
no answers. My resolve and pursuit resulted me in
passing through the winding road and get a approval
of companies registration. As for getting a heavy
good vehicle drivers license the same difficulties
existed. When I decided to get my license I met
strong opposition and they prolonged my case for
two years. When I asked the authorities what is the
reason for their refusal to issue me a license, they said
because women can’t! and when I asked why/ what’s
the legal reason for not being able to, there were no
answers. Glass barriers had completely surrounded
me. I could see it was the mentality and preference
of the official that had created the prohibition, and
there was nowhere in the law was there any reason
to not issue this credit to a woman. Finally through
persistence and my tireless spirit I managed to make
them issue me with heavy goods vehicle license.
You have not limited your activities to inside Iran
and been active at the international level too. Please
tell us more in this regard.
Council at the Tehran Chamber of Commerce which
is associated to the Ministry of Commerce and from
there I began my international interactions. One of
Ms. Moghimi was chosen as
an effective entrepreneur from
57 countries by the Islamic
Development Bank.