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ISIS, the reports of institutions and international figures positions, the contents of Security Council
ReAsolution 2170 as the highest decision making authority on international peace and security, the
crimes committed by this terror group clearly fall under the category of crimes of genocide, crimes
against humanity and war crimes.
At the end of the petition in accordance with Article 13(c) of the ICC Statute, these six NGOs have
called upon the ICC prosecutor to personally investigate ISIS crimes and issue arrest warrants
for the leaders and members of this terrorist group. The petition received a reply from the ICC
prosecutor who said that she would follow up on the subject.
Participation in the 7
Forum on Minorities
The representatives of the ODVV participated in the 7th Minorities Session, which was eld on 25-26
November 2014 in the European Headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland and
read some statements.
Themain subject of the Forumwas "Prevention and Investigation of Brutal Crimes against Minorities"
under four sub-subjects of: 1 - Recognition of the root causes of violence and brutal crimes against
minorities, 2 - Ways to improve the prevention of violence and brutal crimes against minorities,
3 - Main methods for solving violence (after the start of brutal crimes), protection of minorities and
establishment of security, 4 - Avoidance of the reoccurrence of these types of crimes, establishment
of peace and management of ethnic diversity. In this Session which took place with the participation
of NGOs, six items, the approval of the programme and organizational work, legal framework and
key concepts, support for the existence of religious minorities and prevention of violence against
them, promotion and protection of religious minorities' identity, promotion of fair reciprocal dialogue
and summation. The ODVV presented two statements in two of the two items in support of the
protection of the right to existence and prevent of violence against religious minorities and promotion
and protection of the identities of religious minorities, participation in information meetings of other
NGOs, and participation in the 20th Session of the UPR Working Group.
Session of the UPR Working Group
The 20th Session of the UPR Working Group was held from 27 October to 7 November 2014 in
Geneva, Switzerland and reviewed the human rights files of 14 countries.
The final output of this Session will be ratified by the Human Right Council General Assembly during
the 28th Session of the Council which will be held from 2 to 27 March 2015.
Some of the activities of the ODVV in this Session include the holding of 8 consultation meetings, selecting
subjects of speeches, preparation of articles, preparation of articles brochures, invitation of countries
permanent representatives in Geneva, holding an information meeting on UPR process in Iran,
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