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Au t umn&wi n t e r
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The research
findings of this
Institute regarding
the subject, indicates
that approximately
21 percent of
women have low
in family and
outside family
(society) matters,
and against that
approximately 25
percent have a high
participation and
53 percent average
in the form of cooperatives and
- Capacity building of women
alongside mend.
- Fight against women’s cultural and
social poverty.
- Attention to education and planning
for women through holding job creation
and skills education workshops.
- Creation of necessary facilities for
women’s participation in allmanagement
levels by the authorities.
- Drawing the cooperation and
participation of men in domestic
Friends of Successful Families
. This report respectfully is a review
of the status of women and girls in Iran
by the Friends of Successful Families
Association.According to our researches
we have concluded that although the
Islamic Republic of Iran in the past years,
particularly 2010 onwards, made all
sided attempts to promote the status and
character of women, and strengthening
the family, nevertheless the subject of
the promotion of the status of women
is a debatable subject which requires
further attention.
This report reviews the participation
of NGOs for the elimination of the
increase in the age of marriage for
girls, the remaining single problems,
promotion of women and girls status,
and the scientific and educational and
capacities promotion, and ultimately
this Association gives recommendations
for Iran to move towards the elimination
of this problem and answerability to the
presented recommendations in the first
round of the UPR on the country.
Some of these recommendations are:
a) Request the Iranian government to
further pay attention to the Constitution,
and the Rights and Responsibilities
of Muslim Women’s Charter, and the
Perspective Document.
b) Interaction and the use of the
and other countries’ NGOs.
c)Trainingof governmentalmanpower
and also public consensus for better
understanding of the status of women
and girls.
d) Removal of obstacles in the way
of young people getting married and
encouragement to start families.
The Supporters of Clean Nature
This report is compiled by the jurists
and environmental experts group of the
Supporters of Clean Nature Institute by
eyewitness observations, library studies
and based on the analysis of data and
focused on the recommendations on the
right to development, cultural heritage
and tourism, and the environment. The
first universal declarationofhumanrights
issued by Cyrus the Great is evidence of
the shining history of human rights in
Iran. In the contemporary era too, Iran
was one of the forerunners in signing
environmental, the Ramsar, cultural
and natural heritage conventions, and
legislation of useful and constructive
domestic laws.
In this report the destruction of
ancient artifacts and contemporary
works destruction trend and the abuse of
natural resources, jungles and habitats,
the pollution of the Persian Gulf and
Caspian Sea, drying up of Lake Urumia,
and some international ponds and
lagoons have been mentioned, and also
legislative and executive advancements
and NGOs’ campaigns in this regard
to resolve similar problems, and at the
end the institute presents a number of
recommendations for the improvement
of conditions.
Some of the recommendations are:
setting up of a comprehensive natural
resources, forests, cultural heritage
data bank tat guarantees advancements,
holding of education workshops and
information dissemination, appointment
of special rapporteur to investigate
the inhuman effects of international