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Au t umn&wi n t e r
2 0 1 4 & 2 0 1 5
Executive Summary:
1- This report deals with practical,
monitoring and research actions of the
Organization for Defending Victims
of Violence & Society for Supporting
Victims of Domestic Violence in some
fields’ namely international instrument,
women, children, minorities, and
detention to the second round of United
States’UPR. Although there are problems
and challenges in all aforementioned areas
which the United States government must
make more efforts to improve them.
2-ODVV & SVDV the preparers of
this report, towards practical, monitoring
and research actions that have done on
the abovementioned subjects, present
the following recommendations for the
improvement of human rights in these
About us
3- The Organization for Defending
Victims of Violence (ODVV) is a
nongovernmental, nonpolitical and
nonprofit organization in Special
Consultative Status to ECOSOC, and was
founded in 1988. Some of the benefits
of the 25 year history of the ODVV is
the provision of legal and humanitarian
services, holding of education courses,
holdingof general and thematic researches
by using experienced and expertise teams
in the issues that are required by society,
production and publication, transfer of
experiences and effective presence in
international conferences.
4- The ODVV is associated to or
member of the following organizations
and associations:
- Network of NGOs for the formation
of the international criminal court
- The International Rehabilitation
Centre for Torture Victims (IRCT)
(membership in its Central Council)
-TheAMANNetwork of Rehabilitation
Centres for Torture Victims in the MENA
region, (Network’s First Deputy)
- Asia Youth Network
- In Association with UNDPI
5- To-date (2014) the ODVV has
taken part in all Human Rights Council
Sessions and submitted written and oral
statements held sideline panels, submitted
consultative reports on human rights to
UN mandate holders.
6- Society for Supporting Victims of
Domestic Violence (SVDS) is an institute
studying social issues. This center
conducts studies in the fields of human
rights, protecting victims of domestic
violence& social harms.
Data collection method
7- To present a factual picture on arrears
which this report covers, the preparers
adopted a practical method based on the
findings of exclusive and field researches,
thematic researches, legal monitoring
and also media monitoring regarding the
activities taken place on the subject.
Challenges and Difficulties
International instrument and CP rights
8- Despite accepting recommendations
based on the adoption of appropriate laws
for the prevention of the violation of
individual privacy, the US Government
is on a daily basis increasing the
monitoring of the internet and telephone
conversations by intelligence agencies,
Violation of Human Rights in The United States of America
- Organization for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV)
- Society for Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence (SVDV)
Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review
22nd Session of the UPR Working Group of the UN Human
Rights Council
April-May 2015
The Organization
for Defending
Victims of Violence
(ODVV) is a
and nonprofit
organization in
Special Consultative
Status to ECOSOC,
and was founded in