ODVV Attends the 27th Session of the HRC: To hold a sidelines panel on "Crimes against...

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Publish Date : 09/17/2014 0:00
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ODVV Attends the 27th Session of the HRC: To...
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Representatives of the ODVV are attending the 27th Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switerland.

Representatives of the ODVV are attending the 27th Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switerland.
According to ODVV public relations, in this Session which started on 8 September and ends on the 28th, the human rights situation of various countries are being reviewed.
As always, ODVV representatives are attending and will conduct various activities such as reading oral statements, and submitting writtent statements, distribute Defender Newsletters, multimedia CDs of things that the western media do not tell you (regarding Israel's crimes committed in Gaza), distribute report on the stituation of Shia minorities in Pakistan and Iraq, and they will also hold meetings with thematic rapporteurs and hold a sidelines panel on "Crimes against Humanity in the Middle East".
The said panel is being held on Thursday 18 Sepmtember from 16:30 to 18:30 in room XXVII at the Human Rights Council.

“ ODVV Attends the 27th Session of the HRC: To hold a sidelines panel on "Crimes against Humanity" ”