In the Gaza Strip, UN chief appeals for Palestinian unity; renews call for two-state...
In the Gaza Strip, UN chief appeals for...
Speaking to reporters at a UN-supported school in northern Gaza, the Secretary-General appealed for unity, in line with the principles of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, which include rejecting violence and terrorism, and recognizing Israel's right to exist in peace.
Mr. Guterres underscored the importance of a credible political process and actions to improve living conditions of Palestinians.
“It is important to open the closures, in line with resolution 1860” he said, referring the Security Council resolution from 2009 which called for an immediate ceasefire to the fighting between Israel and Hamas and lifting of blockades for food, fuel and medicines.
The UN chief appealed to the international community to strongly support humanitarian aid in Gaza. He ordered an immediate release of $4 million from the limited resources of the Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF), to support the UN activities working for the benefit of the Gaza people.
Mr. Guterres, who toured the Israeli-Gaza border by helicopter and then crossed it by vehicle, called the conditions in Gaza, “one of the most dramatic humanitarian crises” he has seen during his time working as a humanitarian.
The two million people living in Gaza have lack access to basic services, such as electricity, food or healthcare. The real gross domestic product (GDP) is largely stagnant, unemployment is up and the infrastructure and private sector have been gradually debilitated, according to a UN report published last month.
Given the current trends, Gaza would become “unliveable” by 2020, according to the report.
This is a summary of the news: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=57440