ODVV's Presence in the 24th Session of the Human RightsCouncil

News ID : #256
Publish Date : 10/28/2013 0:00
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Representatives from the ODVV took part in the 24th Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.

4 According to the ODVV public relations, the representatives of the Organization who took part in the 24th Session of the Human Rights Council (9-27 September), as par of their activities read oral statements and held meetings with thematic rapporteurs, distributed Defenders Newsletter magazines, books and multimedia CDs on the ODVV activities and held two panels on Islamophobia and Violation of Human Rights, and the Violation of of Shia Minority Rigts.
In the two aforementioned panels articles submitted by 6 international guest experts were distributed simultaneously in book format to the participants of the panels.

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“ ODVV's Presence in the 24th Session of the Human RightsCouncil ”